Saturday 12 September 2015

which player are you?

This is a quiz to figure out what kind of player you are. First spin the wheel at the bottom of this posting and then find the account that represents that chess piece.

hello are you
As the most important player there are many that forget you are central to the purpose of the whole game of life. The fact that your speed and strength is minimal only disguises your position of importance. Don’t let slow small daily steps blind you to this reality. Without you all is lost. Everyone can sacrifice themselves in your defence because your protection is vital. You are like a royal falcon that soars but if you allow yourself to become besmirched with unworthy pursuits you will miss the whole point of your existence.

You tower above everyone in strength of character and inner power. Such capacity and drive is found very rarely. At times it is hidden, like a sheathed sword, but when you take action your true nature dominates and influences beyond your conception. Remember that high thoughts have little significance unless translated into the field of action. Make sure your strengths and capacity find correct direction and focus. Your excellence will arise from service to humanity not in personal glory or adulation of others. Don’t let how others perceive you become a veil between you and your own heart.

The most insignificant piece and the most common. The slowest and least agile. But the first to initiate and with perseverance can go to the final scene of life totally transformed into the most powerful player on the board. Such an unexpected metamorphosis lies in your own determination and patience. The person you are meant to be is closer than your life vein, believe it!

By associating with those in power or with with wealth you can lose the purity and power that becomes you. Breaking free of the confined set/court your ability to dominate across wide fields of activity is clear. Your vision once cleared enables action in areas that are of inestimable value to humanity. See with your own eyes and not through the eyes of others.

You begin constrained and confined. These early days do not allow you the movement and sweeping endeavours that call to you. Gradually, your real worth will become apparent. You are a salve to those around you. A shelter in testing times and a real fortress of well-being. With the right partnership in life your considerable powers become enhanced and unbeatable. 
You are unique in nature but also in how you operate. This distinction gives you traction when others are blocked in or confined. Being different from all the rest gives you skills that can match and indeed surpass much stronger players. Have confidence in who you are not in what others expect from you. Don’t be of those whose words differ from their deeds!